Sunday, December 16, 2007

Home, Sweet Home

We all arrived safely.

Delhi airport is a madhouse, completely unorganized and time consuming. It took us about 3 hours to make it through all the checkpoints. Our flight out was delayed by 2 hours. Gopal has nothing good to say about British Airways. I will say that the Indian attendants were very kind and as helpful as they could be. You could immediately tell the difference once in London - very civilized!! We landed at LAX at 3pm on Saturday, Dec. 15th. It took us an 1 1/2 hours to finally retrieve all our luggage.

Once home, I took a long shower, pet my cat and went to bed at 6:30pm. I have been dealing with sinus drainage and coughing for the past week. That's clearing up quickly since I've arrived in California. This morning I treated myself to bacon and eggs and a long bath.

In closing, I have to say that the trip was amazing and life changing. I enjoyed every minute - even the challenging times. Again, because of Gopal we were treated to a far deeper connection (particularly with his family) to the culture than if we had travelled without him. My deepest gratitude goes out to our friendship - I am truly blessed.

Now that I am home, I am grateful for my bed, hot running water, clean drinking water, meat and fresh vegetables. The one thing I loved about India that I didn't miss is Christmas music and decorations and the frantic chaos associated with Christmas present buying.

A friend of mine told me before I went that I "will never feel poor again." This sentiment continues to echo through my mind. Today, I feel rich and grateful.

Thank you to those who have kept up with our blog. I hope you have enjoyed the journey as well.

Merry Christmas!

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